Winner Wellness Center
746 Green St NE
Gainesville, GA 30501
Hello and welcome again to the Winter Wellness Podcast, here at My name is Mike Stewart, and I'm here with Dr. Jack Winter, our resident expert on all things wellness. And Jack, are you ready to talk about a new subject today?
Yes, Mike, I am ready.
Well, I heard that you want to talk about digestive problems. And you know, I have had my share. I have a hiatal hernia, I’ve had acid reflux. I know what GERD is. I mean, there are so many problems. Personally, when I started changing my diet, not drinking anything alcoholic, and of course, there are a couple of other things that I have pulled out. You know, a lot of those things improved. But I want to hear what your take on digestive problems is, the ones that people have and what Winter Wellness can do to solve those problems.
Good. Mike, let’s talk about that. By the way, congratulations on doing the things you’ve done to encourage people to do the same thing you’ve done as well. I know when you get results like that, it is more encouragement to keep on going. So I just want to give an overview about, again, when people have digestive problems, what do you think is drugs? And the only answer? We’re finding, Actually, that’s not really the only answer. And sometimes that’s not even the answer. So I’ll just give you an example of a man that came into my office. He was having 10 to 12 bowel movements a day. When he left his home, he had to figure out where he could stop along the way to find a restroom because he couldn't make it from one place to another. Can you imagine 10 to 12 bowel movements a day? They're usually loose stools, and each episode was explosive when he had the involvement. This process went on for years. It was actually just ruining his life. What was happening? This process is he went to the doctors and he tried the medication and they suggested, fine, got to the point that he had the body section, and he wasn’t ready to do that. He said there's got to be some other reason. So, he had a chance and opportunity to come work with us. And I want to tell you some things about this whole process. Before I tell you how this result came out to be. What he had, by the way, what they diagnosed with him was irritable bowel syndrome, like you mentioned earlier about GERD and hiatal hernias, and these are all part of that digestive problem. So we’re going to talk about that whole overview of all these kinds of things are going on with people with digestive problems are having now.
So I looked up and found that they tell us about 79% of Americans have digestive problems at some point or another. 79% is a large number, it's into the millions. So what’s sad about this is that when people have these kinds of problems and they go to their doctor, the doctors don’t really have any good tests to find out what do you really have here? You have blood tests, or stool samples, do x-rays, do tissue analysis and biopsies. So they're looking for the problem, but they don’t have any definitive way to say this is really what your problem is. And this is what we have to solve your problem. So the diagnosis has been so scanty at this point that people become confused. Now the fact that doctors are confused about what the problem really is. So here’s some of the names that people get from this digestive, gastrointestinal. Gastrointestinal means it comes into your mouth and goes down through your stomach and your small and large intestine out your bottom. That's called gastrointestinal involvement. So anywhere along the way, you can have a problem with any of those areas. So they have a thing called GERD, like you mentioned earlier. GERD means gastroesophageal reflux disease, that’s what that means. And a lot of people have that feeling like they can feel stuff in their throat. It didn't go down or didn't stay down, but when they lay down it all comes back up again. You mentioned irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is active. Oh, it's actually inflamed. It's painful due to swelling, a lot of sharp pain, and oftentimes, you've heard of also, also, which is all sorts of inflammation in the large and small intestine, is a chronic inflamed bowel. Acid reflux or acid indigestion, many people have and take things for that. By the way, for years, heartburn, like you mentioned hiatal hernia, we see that a lot at the stomach that actually comes up into the esophagus, which is by the way, all fixable things, constipation and diarrhea. These are all part of gastrointestinal involvement. So all these names just described is there's some kind of problem somewhere along the way that is causing your body not to digest properly or have a lot of pain as well along the way. So what the doctors are trying to do is take the very best guess they can give you something okay, we'll solve that problem. That works. That was wonderful. And then we'll try something different. What we're always trying to do is find out the problem and correct the beat problems we can. We do that now eliminate the problem. So here’s how you might see somebody out there, you might see gassiness, you might see stomach distension, eating certain kinds of foods that back up your system. You have to bring it back up. You have stomach or abdominal pain or swelling, you'd have diarrhea or constipation, which, by the way, we find a lot of people have constipation like it’s almost an epidemic out there.
And you might also just have pain which also is fine, like a dry cough, heartburn, even some asthmatic problems are coming from gastrointestinal problems. So those are some of the many conditions that exist out there. But along with that, you can have these things that are attributed to gastrointestinal problems: chronic fatigue, aches and pains all over your body, a decrease in your immunity reactions and itching, especially in the rectum area, but it can be on your skin as well. A lot of psychological problems. Again, when you don’t feel good, it affects you emotionally. So now you’re irritable more often, you're angrier and frustrated because these problems are consistent, they persist. Every time you have a meal or you don’t eat, you have the same kinds of problems after. Well, psychologically, they’re involved as well. So let’s look at some of the solutions to these problems. And Mike, you've done a good job. And you talked about diet, and diet is number one. We're always looking at people’s diets. And a lot of people say, Well, I’d like to change my diet, but I don’t really know what to do with that. And that’s one thing we talked about in the office. And we'll lay things out to them, how can they change the diet in such a way that one step after another, they get an improved diet. And as you've done like, and if we have people do as well, we have to change the pattern. The learner pattern is causing these problems. You guys came some kind of a pattern, and
we look at what you're doing. How can we make it better? That’s what we’ll talk about in our office. Well, I was looking at live foods, food that comes from the grocery store that's actually outside the grocery store, fruits and vegetables. We want to put those into the system, and we're also talking about toxic water. When people are in the system, the water keeps flushing this gastrointestinal system out. I’m going to think about live foods, by the way, because we’re thoughtful about the rubbish called live enzymes that actually help the bowel do its job, digest that food and break it down. And then we also want to talk about other aspects of your life. Not just diet, but also exercise and movement. And that exercise doesn’t mean lifting weights. That means out there walking, moving around, going for hikes, yoga, if you like to do that, any activity that gets your body moving. And why that's helpful is because those muscles actually need that bowel to help things move along the way and keep the gastrointestinal system clear and moving. Also, we’re talking about emotional stress. You know, a lot of things that people don’t want to talk about but don’t realize they have some kind of action on your body. And when you’re stressed out, it affects how you breathe, you have short, tight breaths, and it affects the digestive system. The stomach is tight and here’s the bowel. So, emotional states play a big card here, as well as some people look at just laughing or smiling more, getting involved in living your life and enjoying your life and relaxing, because it all has to relax to do its job. It doesn’t have to have that tension, especially put into it. And right now, we’re kind of hovering around the corner virus pandemic, that stress a lot of people out. That fear is affecting the gastrointestinal system as well. So give some WC Fields films or Laurel and Hardy films or Three Stooges or something. Get out there and laugh. I like Kevin Hart, personally. So those kinds of things you can do to get yourself laughing and relaxed here. Beyond that, find yourself a reputable health care provider. Someone who can help you realign your system, get your body back to optimal health. Remember your body is a self-healer. It's wondrous. This process is going to occur. If you’re going to a health care professional that can help you, whether it's an allergist, a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, a nutritionist, a massage therapist, or an exercise coach, they will be helpful to you. Just a naturopath. You know, I'm a kinesiologist. So I’m really thoughtful about mutuality and how important it is in our system.
Can you say “ology”? Work with the whole body and our approach is not only physical but nutritional and emotional as well. So, I like a holistic, whole body approach. So, I want to kind of give a kind of a kickoff of what we do here. We're Wellness Centers. We've been here for 37 years in the Gainesville Hall County area, Georgia. We've had an opportunity working with thousands of people with nutritional and aspects of healthcare, and certainly the gastrointestinal system is foundational to your healthcare. But as we're looking at the process of what we're doing here, it’s difficult for many people to understand what a chiropractor can do. Well, what we've done to give you the confidence of what we do is that we've actually developed about 130 different videos of people with all kinds of conditions, from cirrhosis of the liver to autoimmune diseases, cancer, chronic fatigue, and yes, irritable bowel and hernias, to insomnia. We put those videos out there because we want you to be able to understand you're just like all the other people that came to our office and they got better as well. If you have the confidence, if you see the content they got from what we did with them, we're not trying to throw that confidence in you as well. So, by the way, I want to finish up that one story with you about the fellow who came in with 10 to 12 bowel movements a day. He now is working two jobs. He has three to four bowel movements a day, half of those are now formed stools. So his bowels are not clearing the way they're supposed to. He’s starting to get his life back again. So that possibility happens not just with him but with you as well. So, again, in our office, the Winter Wellness Center, we have a nutritionist board, I think the best in the world, and in our staff, we're going to find your problem. We'll find out which ones we need to deal with, which areas of bioconcern with yours and how we can solve that problem. And we want to give you the confidence, you know, that's possible for you. What you could do here at this point is make the phone call, which is 778-0536, 6600. Go to, or just go to the website, and you're going to find it'll take you to those videos and that you can make a phone call and have a conversation with us as well. So, Mike, we look forward to helping people who have these kinds of conditions and don't have to live with them anymore.
That's awesome, Dr. Jack. I mean, I know that you guys make a huge difference in all of the folks who live in the Gainesville, Georgia area. So, I'm so glad that you're doing these podcasts because you're giving out the information that can make a difference in so many people's lives in your local area. So folks, be sure to subscribe to the Winter Wellness Podcast. You can check it out at We're on Apple, Google, Spotify, and on Android, and all you have to do is search in any of the places where you get podcasts for Winter Wellness, and you'll see Jack and Jane's picture there. And more importantly, it's very easy. It's just one touch, subscribe, get this information. Know that when you have any health challenges, be sure to check out Winter Wellness and And until next time, Jack, thanks for all your great information. Thank you, Mike.
Winner Wellness Center offers comprehensive holistic and natural healthcare services, catering to a wide range of functional and structural health concerns.
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