Depression Correction W/O Drugs North GA
Dr. Jack • July 23, 2020

Michael Stewart
Welcome, everybody to the winter wellness podcast. I’m here today. Your host Mike Stewart for winter wellness out in Gainesville, Georgia. And today’s expert guest is is the resident guest, Dr. Jack Winner, who is the chiropractor and kinesiologist that everybody in Gainesville should know about and visit them in winter JACK told me today he’s going to talk about a very serious but very important subject. That is depression. I’ve got friends who suffered have suffered from depression and it’s terrible. I mean, it goes from from very bad to, you know, just mild. I think we all get blue and down sometimes. So I got here and I’m going to be my muting the microphone here to listen to what jack Dr. JACK has to say about depression and how the folks at winter wellness calm can help the residents of Gainesville with depression. So Dr. JACK, are you here?

Jack Winner
Yes, Mike. I am Good morning. To you?

Michael Stewart
Well, you know, this is a very serious subject. So I want to at least let you treat this with the respect and need that it has. So jack, tell us about what you guys know about depression and what can be done to help the folks be able to deal with such a serious subject.

Jack Winner
Great, Mike. Thank you, Mike. You’re right. By the way, this is a very serious subject, and it’s getting worse and worse all the time. 20 years ago, Mike, we never heard people talk about depression. And a male would not ever tell me he was depressed. Now here we are 20 years later, and I hear it from probably 80 90% of the people either have severe mood swings or depression. So it’s an epidemic in our society, and something needs to be dealt with. So I’d like to talk about that today. And let’s not get depressed when we talk about because we got solutions at the other end of this. So let’s first of all just talk about depression. So we begin to understand, maybe you don’t have it, but maybe you do, understand what the signs and symptoms are. First of all, we’re fine out there. People who have registered or talked about depression is 5.2 million people. We know it’s much greater than that we know it’s it’s in the 10s of millions of people, especially with the pandemic going on right now. So here’s a sign of depression. You have a low low, you’re moody for a long period of time, you will have some kind of aversion to activities. It can affect people with their thoughts. It affects their behavior, their motivation, their feelings, in a sense of well being. So if those things are prominent with you right now, you might be headed toward maybe into some depression at this moment. And it can be seen as sadness, or difficulty in thinking or mental confusion, difficulty in concentration, or focus, or a significant increase in or decrease in your appetite. We’re also seeing people sleeping a whole lot more than they had been in the past, or they can’t sleep because they can’t get them their confusion or their head. We’re also seeing excessive fatigue, which is plaguing society right now are prolonged moodiness that goes on for periods of time. You also may have feelings of dejection or hopelessness or despair. We’re also seeing people with melancholy just I just don’t care anymore just to sit in on passionate perspective. Or worse than that we’re seeing a lot of suicidal thoughts, which is again, something I want to talk about because that’s becoming a prominent problem as well. And Mike, you mentioned this earlier, but this is true we can have signs of depression can be temporary, or they can be long term. So long term or prolonged depression can lead to withdraw from friends and family. If you begin to see this over a period of time, we know that people are heading toward depression. Or they there’s a resistance in connecting with not only people but activities. In other words, they get excessive excessive acknowledgments in maybe drugs, records. on drugs, or prescription drugs, you’re working on a mental acuity or mental alertness. Also, we’re seeing an increase in alcohol, it’s a drug as well. And again, it’s when you have that state of depression, we’re trying to get rid of this stage depression and alcohol seems to take that depression away for a short period of time. Of course, there’s a lot of things that cause because of that activity, and alcohol. And we’re also seeing people with excessive food intake, especially when they have depressed as well, because depression takes a medicine, that depression state for a short period of time. Something I want to talk beyond that point depression, because long term depression takes people toward a thing called suicide, which is right now they consider suicide a major national public health issue in the United States here because it’s happening. So presently, we’re seeing actually 123 people a day are dying from suicides, and that’s reported suicides. So we’re talking more like 48,000 people a year that we are not we know, a lot of suicides, by the way or not. actually being registered because people don’t want to think that my family or friend member died of a suicide, but it’s going on and it’s going on big time. And it’s getting to be an epidemic, it’s getting worse and not better. They’re also not taking into account when you’re talking about the number of suicides we hear about the ones that are actually happened that we don’t hear about the unreported ones. And those are into the hundreds of thousands, if not into the millions as well. beyond this point of doing suicidal things, things that we use kind of some kind of weapon to do that. suicides can also be created when we think about cancers, or hypertension or high blood pressure, diabetes, excessive weight gain, weight loss. Those are all kinds of things that actually people are doing unconsciously doing unconscious suicides, which is pretty hard. Probably a hard issue to understand. But that’s what people do because they’ve given up and they’re tired, and this system begins to break down as well. And sometimes consciously or unconsciously, they’re committing a natural suicide. So, by the way, something just an interesting fact it’s, this is hard to hear. But I would like you to hear this because you need to understand this. Right now between the ages of 15 and 24. suicides are the second leading cause of death and those knows that that group there

Jack Winner
and downward age 10 to 14. It’s a third leading cause of death in young people, suicides. It comes from depression First, it motivates and escalates into depression and two suicides. So it’s a problem I want to talk also about these. The functional patterns are not necessarily getting better going away. They’re actually increasing especially with our present condition of this condition. We considered the coronavirus pandemic, it’s driving people into more fear and upsets and depression and doubt is increasing that all the time. So we’re into a state at this point in our society where we’re increasing Part of the probability of depression going into suicides as well. So that’s the bad news. Okay, so we just want to know what what’s going on here. So let’s look around, turn around to the good news. Okay? The good news is, this doesn’t have to happen doesn’t have to perpetuate itself. And it can be temporary. And we’ll come back to a natural state again. So there is hope, and there’s light at the end of the tunnel. So I want to talk about what’s possible here and how we’re going to make this change. If you’re listening this podcast Now, let’s look at what we can do here and how we can make this come about for ourselves, ourselves and our family as well. Remember, from the beginning, we talked about us and we talked about this continuing our podcast. Your body is a self healer, you have the power to change your state of mind and your state of health anytime you choose to. So here’s what we can do right now, the days and weeks to come to make this change come about. First of all, get clear that you are you have some depression going on. Either it’s affecting you physically or emotional Once you begin to stop and say, Okay, I got that good. Now we can decide to make a change. So step number two, after you decide you have that depressional state or moodiness going on, decide you’re willing to make a change. Then make the change how you make the change, number one, look for someone or some method or procedure or process, they’ll help you get the results that you want. As you begin to make that change and get that person or that procedure going to work with be thoughtful, is it ethical and moral? Is it sound does it have natural possibilities about In other words, the food and the people you’re talking to and the activities you’re doing? Have a natural way about them that actually harmonize with you. Feels good about that you feel comfortable when you do that activity. Also that whatever you procedure and procedure you process you pick up B see if it’s consistent the people that you see working with that I have they embraced it. Are they making the changes are they getting successful you If they do, get in that process with them, remember, it’s a day to day processes your work this process through. Then also make sure it’s something you can stick with something you can it feels right with you that you’re willing to push yourself into a little further position or pattern to make that life change come about for you. Next, make sure you’re willing to make the choices and changes you have to see that others are doing that you can do the same way. And then as you go along along with us, you definitely want to see a difference and you want to know that you’ve been successful and your process and procedure or the person you’re working with is showing you and helping you see those markers along the way you’ve improved. We’ve got to have those markers because along the way we can get involved in this process and not know we’re getting better. So set your procedures properly that you can see I got success here. I started seeing myself smiling. I started seeing myself reach out started seeing myself interact with other people. You start watching this Marcus come along the way you know the procedures Right. Also, I want to kind of introduce you to what we do in the office so you can begin, we can start our process. Again, number one is understand you can make the change. Your body is capable and wants to be healthy. And it’s inborn in you that your system will do this. So understand that that’s always behind you and you, ace in the hole you by wants to get healthy. Number one thing we do beyond that point is to clarify, clarify that you want to make a change, then you set a new focus. Number two, we deal with you have the I Have you understand that the power of change is within you. It’s possible and once you decide to make the change, that process now begins that process to happen because you have a focal point and you pull yourself to that focal point. Next thing we do in the office, we evaluate where you are presently, physically, emotionally and nutritionally. You want to know where you’re at, because if you know where you’re at, we can now begin to make a change. To see that we make the changes to this six feet succeed where we want to go from here.

Jack Winner
Then number four is since we’re in our office, we do a thing called kinesiology. What is kinesiology? So it’s an advanced form of chiropractic. We use nutrition support. And when we begin to release stress and stress points in your body is what we want to begin to do. And the idea of what we do in our office we want to be open up openings in our body and access body parts and systems to now complete and harmony and flow. We want you to be at peace, we want you to be comfortable. Then we take the kinesiology which is actually using acupressure, chiropractic, cold lasers and all these things to bring the system back in that state of harmony and flow again, bring you back to your natural state which is joy again by the way. Then number five we we do with you is look at your diet. When you look at natural and organic foods we can obviously clean water. We want to learn to become friends with the new aspects of your life, that you now have a life support system with good food and natural functions, Vanessa, so herbs and things in your body and the clean water, this becomes a natural form of life you begin this process, you will find as you do this, your body chemistry is going to change. As it changes, it changes not only your chemistry in your body, how you feel, you change emotion mindset as well, your moods as well. Then we also talk in our office about Whole Foods, supplements and vitamins. They’re useful for us because what they’re doing is helping those deficient poor portions or your systems need help and support to get that support they need. And we’re talking hormonal balances, we’re talking thyroid, we’re talking adrenal. We’re talking the function to bring the pineal hypothalamus. We want those systems also to function well and nutrition supports that as well. So nutrition becomes an important or important aspect of getting back to normal state of function. The number six we’ll talk about the identifying emotional stresses and upset This is very important. This does two things with us. If we can sit down and get out of our head, what we’re thinking, This begins to open up and begin to defrag. Some of those emotional stresses we have, that’s talking to somebody else. If you have a relationship with with your Creator, you might have a conversation with him. But you can begin to get out of your head, what you’re thinking and what you’re feeling and put them down on paper. When you get them down on paper, what you will find is, geez, I don’t have those stuff running through my head, this overwhelmed. Now I see what my problems are. And now I can see the direct Avenue how I can solve those. So once we haven’t done a paper, and we’re going to be in the list those, those stresses and frustrations and fears that you have. And they give you a technique to take care of the emotional stresses and take the energy often want to diffuse that energy. And here’s what you’re going to find. When you’re stressed out you have a lot of energy about that stress. If we take that motional stress energy off. Now those situations become less and less two point they’re just statements. They’re not more stresses. So you want to defuse that. those energies, the number seven will talk to you about what would you like in the future? What would your future look like if that stress wasn’t here? This is important because you’re going to begin now to say, Oh, I have a purpose and reason for getting up in the morning and the reasons see what my future is going to look like. In very specific terms going to help you do that, we want to focus on what we have tendencies to become, this becomes a new reality. We know if we begin this process, it’s going to begin to make us look forward to what we have, as we eliminate the things that are keeping us from getting there. Now, I know this a lot of information, but what I want to bring you back to is, this is not an overnight process. This is a day to day process. As we begin to look at to at what we want to go to or where we want to go here. We begin to work these processes one day at a time. If we will do that anticipate from beginning it’s gonna take a process to do this. You continue to get your success with your markers and know I’m improving and getting better and we’ll come back to this State and come back to the joy that life once gave to us. And once you realize, by the way, as you go through this process that you are a valuable person, you have a gift to give not only to the people around you but to human humanity in general, in this journal journey becomes fun again, and life is worth living again. And that’s where we’re heading with this one. you’re capable and you’re desirable to have to have you be in this position your life, it’s time for this to happen. So, as you’re listening to this broadcast, this podcast, I invite you to call the number that Mike is going to give you at the end here. also invite you to go to Winner Wellness Website

Jack Winner
and join our team. We’d love to give you the opportunity to get the hope and life and joy back in your life again for brighter, brighter and better future. We look forward for that to happen for you in with you.

Michael Stewart
This is just so important information. So heartfelt, so real. And so all you have to do folks is call 770-536-6600. That’s 770-536-6600. And just talk to the folks, jack and Jean winter at winter wellness. They’re in Gainesville, Georgia. And I know that they can make a difference in your well being and your health and especially dealing with this serious, serious problem depression, because untreated and left alone and not reaching out and getting health, healthy, alternative opportunities to make yourself better is just, you know, a missed opportunity. So we don’t want to we don’t want to hear about anything horrible happened to you or your family members. So jack, thank you again, for such amazing content, amazing insight. It’s amazing how much information you know and my job is just to make you think about it and get it recorded so that people can listen to it over and over again. Thanks again. Thanks for a great podcast today, folks, be sure to share this podcast. We are an Apple Spotify. On Android. We’re in Google, if you google Winner Wellness podcast in any of those directories, especially the apple, Android and Spotify, you can hear the winter wellness podcast with jack and Jane winner. And they’re going to be covering all kinds of subjects. So subscribe, share it with your friends, listen to it and YouTube on social media. And we’ll see you next time on The winner wellness podcast.

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