Winner Wellness Center
746 Green St NE
Gainesville, GA 30501
Michael Stewart: Welcome again to the podcast. I’m your host, Mike Stewart. Winner Wellness is the premier Health and Wellness Center in Gainesville, Georgia. And I’ve got on the show today, Dr. Jack Winner. How you doing, Jack?
Jack Winner: I’m doing fine, Mike. Good to hear from you again.
Michael Stewart: Well, you know, we’re gonna be talking about the problem that I suffer from, and I’d love to hear what you have to say about it. I’ve had issues with high blood pressure for many, many years. And I know I’ve been told that weight loss is one factor. But you know, the majority of the medical community just puts you on pharmaceuticals. I want to hear what you have to say about the problem of high blood pressure. I think a lot of people know what it can turn into. But talk about that problem in detail and tell us what you guys do to help people that suffer from this affliction.
Jack Winner: Oh my god, I hear your story all the time. People tell me that all the time that they have high blood pressure and must often what they say is just what you just said, "I would like to get off medication, but I can’t." So if you’re one of those people, I mean, I’m talking to you. So, hello, my name is Dr. Jack Winner. I’ve been a chiropractor and kinesiologist in the Gainesville Hall County area for 37 years. I’ve dealt with thousands of patients over time with all kinds of conditions, high blood pressure being one of those.
The problem with traditional medical treatment for high blood pressure is that they use medications. And most often, the medications really don’t deal with the problem. They deal with the symptoms. It’s like putting a band-aid on an ongoing problem. It makes it look better, but it really doesn’t solve the problem or make it go away. So the solution is to find out what’s really the underlying reason why your blood pressure is being elevated, and then correct that problem.
High blood pressure really has a number of things that are reasons why it actually gets elevated. So it could be some structural problems, like a pinched nerve or restricted blood flow, blocked meridians. That’s a structural problem that needs to be dealt with. However, it could also be a food problem – eating improper foods or not eating the right foods or enough foods that actually satisfy your needs. And also, along with that, could be airborne problems like allergies, both to foods and things in your environment as well. Or another problem with high blood pressure is emotional components, like we see a lot, especially in times like right now. We see a lot of stress, a lot of worry, a lot of fear, a lot of heartbreak. Those things also elevate blood pressure. Or it could be a combination of all three: the physical, chemical, and emotional.
So, in our office, what we want to do is we want to find out what it is, where it is, and if we can find that, we can now make a change. So if you’re tired of dealing with high blood pressure and believe that you need to look at a different approach, then call my office. That phone number is 770-536-6600 to make an appointment, or email me at the Winner Wellness Center at We can have a conversation to help you get pointed in the right direction.
So if you come in, you and I are going to just sit down, have a conversation, and do an evaluation. In that conversation, I really want to hear you. I want to hear what’s going on, what you feel about your life, and what’s happening now. As I hear you, I’m also going to look at your body, because your body is going to tell us another story as well. I’m looking for your symmetry, your balance. I want to see if you’re sitting naturally or if there’s a dropped shoulder or a foot turned out, or if your head is tilted and twisted one way or another. So that speaks to the whole body, and that’s why we’re looking at high blood pressure. We want to find out what’s the whole story here. And once we get the whole story, now we’re going to understand where we need to go and how we can make this a permanent change. An evaluation is free, and it tells me your story. It also lets you know what you’re doing that causes the problem and what you can do to make the change. So maybe this is the time, and if it is, make the phone call. This could be the call that actually changes your life. So, hope for your health and a healthy future.
Michael Stewart: Jack, that’s awesome information. You know, there are a lot of people suffering from high blood pressure in the Gainesville, Georgia area. And you know, it’s just a phone call away to get that free evaluation at 770-536-6600. And be sure to ask for Dr. Jack Winner and Jeanne Winner, because that couple can take care of your wellness, and they’ve been doing it for years. And just look at their reviews, look at their comments. And be sure to share this podcast.
This information is given as a free service to the
community to help people understand what the problems are and what to do about alternative options. We’re creating wellness in Gainesville, Georgia, and all you’ve got to do is go to, share this podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, and soon you’ll be able to hear it on Amazon Music and You know, wherever you get your podcasts, they’re here. Share this with others, share it on social media, subscribe to it, and we will see you on the next episode of The Winner Wellness Podcast.
Winner Wellness Center offers comprehensive holistic and natural healthcare services, catering to a wide range of functional and structural health concerns.
Experience the treatment your body rightfully deserves with us!
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