Video Testimonials

Discover life-changing success stories through our Video Testimonials. Watch heartfelt accounts from clients who experienced transformative changes at Winner Wellness Center. From conquering chronic pain to managing thyroid issues, witness the powerful impact of our holistic approach. Find inspiration and take the first step towards a healthier, vibrant life. Contact us today to start your journey!


Pam had been to the Winner Wellness Center for knee pain and a few other ailments, so she knew that the Center was able to correct symptoms. Now she was after a bigger opportunity... health and vitality! As she was in her 60s, she was aware that most people's health begins to decline with age. That was not the program she wanted to sign up for.

Over the years, she was proactive and conscious about keeping her body and mind in the best shape she could. Now she wanted to add a piece that made that realization even more likely. She was aware of Kinesiology, a system of combined disciplines that strengthens and balances muscles, tendons, and ligaments. We talked about diet, nutrition, and lifestyle. Dr. Winner taught her about the interactions of her muscles and organs and how a holistic approach gets your body to heal itself, naturally. His approach had always made sense to her. She knew it worked, now she wanted to live it!

Pam did this video for you because she wanted to share her success with those of you who have or have had a decline in your health. These conditions are very painful, limit your life, and cause a lot of emotional distress for you and everyone else. She was not going to live this way for the rest of her life.

There is hope for you, and you can have success. You can call Dr. Winner @ 770-536-6600 or go online at and make an appointment.

You deserve better health; visit Winner Wellness Center to see how they can help you!


 Back Pain


Caron was diagnosed with bladder cancer in May of 2019. Her doctors wanted to put a substance into her bladder to destroy the cancer, taking about six weeks. However, she didn't like the idea of having a drug in her system and wanted to try a more natural approach.

Caron came to see Dr. Winner at the Winner Wellness Center. He explained why cancer grows in the body and how proper blood supply can restrict and eventually eliminate the environment that allows the cancer to spread. If we rid the body of that environment, the cancer cannot survive.

Caron already knew about Kinesiology. We had worked together before, and she knew her body was a self-healer. She had seen what Kinesiology had done for her allergies, stomach pains, sinuses, to name a few. She understood the importance of releasing nerve pressure to provide her body with a clear pathway to healing. She also knew that Kinesiology/Chiropractic strengthens supportive muscles and tissues and helps restore them back to their optimum performance. This is where Kinesiology has proven to be so successful. We use Muscle Testing, Acupressure, Cold LASER, Nutritional Support, and the Winner Emotional Release Protocol to produce immediate and long-lasting results.

It didn't take long. By the second visit, the drainage had stopped, and the pain was gone. The circulation and rich blood flow had bathed the bladder and surrounding tissue, beginning to restore healthy tissue. After six treatments, her doctor's office called and announced there was no more cancer in her bladder. The cancer was gone! The doctor said she was Cancer-Free. To this day, 2 years later, she is still Cancer-Free.

Caron did this video for you because she wanted to share her success with those of you who have or have cancer and believe your body is capable of self-healing. Caron would tell you to be smart about your choices. Do your homework and listen to your health care providers, both medical and natural. Always have a backup and stay up-to-date on your lab work. There is hope, and you can have success. You can call Dr. Winner @ 770-536-6600 or go online at and make an appointment.

 Children’s Health

 Depression & Anxiety

Cynthia had been suffering from mood swings, depression, and anxiety for years. These dramatic swings made her withdraw from her family. She knew something wasn't right but didn't know where to turn to. She felt it was a hormonal imbalance, but no one could help her. She knew she had to step outside the traditional medical model, but she wondered who could help her.

Then she took a chance and went to the Winner Wellness Center. She felt she needed a holistic approach, and it began to work almost immediately. Two things happened. First, she became calmer, more relaxed, and happier. Beyond that, she started handling situations in a positive, proactive manner, not falling back into that 'rabbit hole,' but instead turning old disruptions into workable solutions in her life.

Now, she is making her life work the way she wants it, all without the use of drugs or medication.

Cynthia shared her story so that others who have lived this nightmare can have the chance of living the happy, fulfilling life she is now enjoying.


Have you ever struggled with low energy and a loss of passion for life without even realizing it? This lack of joy and satisfaction in life robs us of the color and purpose of our existence, creating depression, relationship difficulties, and physical health problems. These individuals share their testimonies about their experience with such challenges and tell how our team here at the Winner Wellness Center has been helping them to live more fully!


 Heart Conditions

 High Blood Pressure

 Joint Pain

 Migraines & Headaches

 Pregnancy / Infertility



 Stomach & Gut Issues

 Thyroid / Hashimoto’s

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